Transfer your accounts in a flash with ClickSWITCH

The fast, secure and free way to switch your automatic payments & direct deposits!

We know that moving accounts can be difficult. That's why we've brought ClickSWITCH to Central One. ClickSWITCH is an easy-to-use tool for switching your recurring payments and direct deposits from your old accounts to your new Central One checking account. 

With ClickSWITCH, account information is transferred within a few days. It’s fully automated, convenient and takes as little as 10 minutes.

How to use ClickSWITCH: 

  1. Visit your local branch to get your free SwitchTRACK code
  2. In the branch or at home, go to
  3. Enter the SwitchTRACK code and choose a password
  4. Select how you’d like to start the process:
    Choose Switch Assist (recommended) to see all of your direct deposits and automatic payments in one place
    Choose Switch Myself to gather your direct deposit and automatic payment information manually
  5. Click the "Create a Deposit" link and begin adding your direct deposit information
  6. Then click the "Create a Switch" link to begin switching your automatic payment accounts

Members who use ClickSWITCH can:

  • Change financial institutions without the hassles of filling out multiple forms or wasting time contacting payees for automated payments
  • Notify auto-debit payees of the new account information and update their billing information (utilities, insurance, club memberships, etc.)
  • Transfer direct deposits to their new account
  • Close prior external account(s)

To get started with your switch, give us a call at 800-527-1017 or stop by any one of our full-service branches. We’ll get you registered with a SwitchTRACK code and then you’ll be ready to start your switch!
