Savings - Get Customized Savings for Your Needs

Our most-popular savings product. Regular Savings is a simple savings product to help your money grow.
- Earn a competitive interest rate
- Dividends compound quarterly
- Access to funds through online banking, mobile banking 1 and telephone banking
This tiered rate account is ideal for members who want to earn a competitive interest rate on their account balances while having flexible access to their funds.
Features and benefits
- The more you save, the more you earn
- No minimum balance
- Earns a higher dividend rate
- Unlimited deposits
- No monthly service charge
- One free withdrawal or transfer per month. A fee will be assessed for any additional withdrawals or transfers
This account is ideal for members who want to earn a competitive interest rate on their account balances while having flexible access to their funds.
Features and benefits
- No minimum balance
- Earns a higher dividend rate than a Regular Share account
- Unlimited deposits
- No monthly service charge
- Up to three free withdrawals or transfers per month. A fee will be assessed for any additional withdrawals or transfers
Youth Savings Accounts
For members 17 years or younger, the Future Investor Certificate provides a premium interest rate. As joint owners, parents or guardians can help track the progress and set savings goals.
Features and benefits
- Earn a premium certificate interest rate
- Add on deposits may be made in amounts of $100 or more
- Minimum balance of $100
- Joint account with a parent or guardian (must be a credit union member)
- Subject to early withdrawal penalties*
- Only one Future Investor certificate per member, with principal balance not to exceed $10,000.
This account is ideal for members who want to earn a competitive, interest rate on their account balances while having flexible access to their funds.
Features and benefits
- Receive the Tree Top Times newsletter with educational content and fun ideas
- Personalized birthday card from Oakie the Squirrel
- Earn a competitive interest rate
- Dividends compound quarterly
- Available for children under the age of 13 years old
- Parent or guardian as a joint owner on the account

Reduce your paper clutter with eStatements! Plus, you'll enjoy the convenience of having your documents consolidated in one place. Signing up is quick and easy - simply follow the steps below to get started.
• Log in to your Online Banking Account
• Click eStatements and tax forms from the top menu
• Review and accept the Central One Federal Credit Union eStatement disclosure and agreement
• Provide a valid email address and click submit
• Choose how you want to be notified when new notices or statements become available: text message or email
Need help? Contact our Member Support Center at 800-527-1017 or visit a branch for assistance.
1 While Central One does not charge for mobile banking, your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply.
Minimum deposit of $5 in Owner Voting Share account required.
Savings and Money Market Accounts (Savings and Maxi) Important Information: Dividend rates are accurate as of the last dividend declaration date. All savings and money market accounts are considered variable rate accounts and rates are subject to change at any time without notice. Accrued dividends are forfeited if account is closed prior to monthly dividend posting. Fees or other conditions may reduce earnings on the account. Refer to Central One Federal Credit Union's Member Service Agreement and Our Rates and Service Charge Disclosure.
* Certificate Important Information: All certificate rates are fixed for the length of the term. A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals before maturity. If your account has an original maturity of one year or less, the penalty will equal three months dividends on the amount withdrawn subject to penalty. If your account has an original maturity of more than one year the penalty will equal six months dividends on the amount withdrawn subject to penalty. The penalty is calculated as a forfeiture of part of the dividends that have been or would be earned on the account. It applies whether or not the dividends have been earned. If the account has not yet earned enough dividends or if the dividend has already been paid, the penalty will be deducted from the principal. In certain circumstances such as the death or incompetence of an owner of this account, the law permits or may require the waiver of the early withdrawal penalty. Other exceptions may also apply; for example, if the certificate is part of an IRA or other tax-deferred savings plan. Refer to Central One Federal Credit Union's Member Service Agreement and Our Rates and Service Charge Disclosure.